Our dedication extends beyond the construction projects we work on every day. We find
it is also essential to contribute to a better society. For this reason, we support
various charities. Below you can see which ones they are.
Care farm Giersbergen

Sophia Children’s Hospital

Prohuis drives the Rotterdam Real Estate Rally!

Sponsored ‘rubber duck race’ €20,500 raised

Sophia Children’s Hospital
Attention to the new generation. At ProHuis, that’s the central focus. We are proud of our partnership with Sophia Children’s Hospital. Erasmus MC Sophia Children’s Hospital is an academic world where patient care, research and education go hand in hand. Where children are truly central. Sophia Children’s Hospital is the oldest children’s hospital in the Netherlands, established in Rotterdam in 1863.

Care farm Giersbergen
At an extremely attractive care farm in Giersbergen, the elderly can enjoy a variety of activities. On the edge of the Drunense Dunes, elderly people enjoy the large (vegetable) garden, the pond and various kinds of small livestock and horses. With ProHuis’ support, Care Farm Griesbergen can do what they do best. Providing quality care to the elderly.